Directions & Info
Directions: The music school at King's Bruton is behind New House which is the big boarding house on the opposite side of the road to the Memorial Hall gateway (with no gate!). As you face the house, go around the left hand side, down the slope and walk straight ahead past the classrooms. Turn right at the end and across a small parking area and keep walking. You can now see the new building. Once inside, the concert hall is on the right.
Click here to download a map showing the Music Room and parking areas.
Parking: Please park in the lay-by in the road, over by the Memorial Hall, or in the car park beyond the Sports Hall, and cross the road on foot.
Subscriptions: £95 per year, due in the autumn
Dress code for concerts: Ladies - black with pink scarves, Men – black tie
Autumn 2024 term dates:
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 7.30-9.00pm, unless otherwise stated. Sectionals start at 7pm.
11 September - first rehearsal of the term, followed by the AGM
18 September - sop sectional
THURSDAY 26 September - note the change of day - alto sectional
2 October - tenor/bass sectional
9 October - sop sectional
16 October - alto sectional
23 October - half term, no rehearsal
30 October - tenor/bass sectional
6 November - sop/alto sectional
13 November - tenor/bass sectional
20 November - sop/alto sectional
27 November - tenor/bass sectional
Saturday 30 November, 10am - Coffee Morning
4 December - St Mary's Church
11 December - St Mary's Church
16 December - afternoon rehearsal
16 December - Christmas Concert
COVID Guidance
(Revised April 2022)
Reply to RSVP email stating your attendance intention at the next rehearsal (by 6pm on the day before the rehearsal) - it is useful for Barbara to prepare the rehearsal. Only attend rehearsals if you feel well. You could use a Lateral Flow Test at your discretion.
If you are worried about Covid then you may wear a mask.
Check surroundings for your belongings and remove them when you leave.